Competency Exam Question of the Day
"When faced with daunting challenges, do a little every day."
Today's Question

Describe phasors and why they are used. List several areas in which phasors are used and why they are appropriate to use. Provide formulas for converting between the phasor and time domains. What assumptions are made when we use phasors?

(N.B. you may insert math between single or double dollar signs for inline or block equations, respectively. E.g. $E=mc^2$ renders )

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A new question will be selected each day at midnight UTC. You can submit your answer (in markdown) by logging in and typing your answer below the prompt. Questions will be related to electrical engineering for now, but might be subject to change in the future. If you have a particularly good answer to a question, I'll give you kudos or something.

My friend Daniel wanted me to make this feature so that he could study for his doctoral competency exam in electrical engineering.
