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Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering and engineering management that focuses on how to design, integrate, and manage complex systems over their life cycles. At its core, systems engineering utilizes systems thinking principles to organize this body of knowledge. The individual outcome of such efforts, an engineered system, can be defined as a combination of components that work in synergy to collectively perform a useful function. Issues such as requirements engineering, reliability, logistics, coordination of different teams, testing and evaluation, maintainability, and many other disciplines, aka "ilities", necessary for successful system design, development, implementation, and ultimate decommission become more difficult when dealing with large or complex projects. Systems engineering deals with work processes, optimization methods, and risk management tools in such projects. It overlaps technical and human-centered disciplines such as industrial engineering, production systems engineering, process systems engineering, mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, production engineering, control engineering, software engineering, electrical engineering, cybernetics, aerospace engineering, organizational studies, civil engineering and project management. Systems engineering ensures that all likely aspects of a project or system are considered and integrated into a whole. The systems engineering process is a discovery process that is quite unlike a manufacturing process. A manufacturing process is focused on repetitive activities that achieve high-quality outputs with minimum cost and time. The systems engineering process must begin by discovering the real problems that need to be resolved and identifying the most probable or highest-impact failures that can occur. Systems engineering involves finding solutions to these problems.
Dec 21
Poisson point process
Dec 20
Generic top-level domain
Dec 19
Beale ciphers
Dec 18
Heavyweight (podcast)
Dec 17
Dec 16
Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan
Dec 15
Mnemonic major system
Dec 14
Peter M. Lenkov
Dec 13
Lagrange polynomial
Dec 12
Polynomial interpolation
Dec 11
Newton polynomial
Dec 10
Quantile function
Dec 9
Static site generator
Dec 8
Flag Day (United States)
Dec 7
Seven-segment display character representations
Dec 6
Tori Kelly
Dec 5
Lynn Conway
Dec 4
Dec 3
Dec 2
Negative binomial distribution
Dec 1
Toledo War
Nov 30
Laurent series
Nov 29
Interface control document
Nov 28
ANT (network)
Nov 27
Functional analysis
Nov 26
Nov 25
Projective set (disambiguation)
Nov 24
Primitive polynomial
Nov 23
Nov 22
Mud dauber