Wikipedia Article of the Day
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The reactor software design pattern is an event handling strategy that can respond to many potential service requests concurrently. The pattern's key component is an event loop, running in a single thread or process, which demultiplexes incoming requests and dispatches them to the correct request handler. By relying on event-based mechanisms rather than blocking I/O or multi-threading, a reactor can handle many concurrent I/O bound requests with minimal delay. A reactor also allows for easily modifying or expanding specific request handler routines, though the pattern does have some drawbacks and limitations. With its balance of simplicity and scalability, the reactor has become a central architectural element in several server applications and software frameworks for networking. Derivations such as the multireactor and proactor also exist for special cases where even greater throughput, performance, or request complexity are necessary.
Sep 16
97 (number)
Sep 15
Binomial distribution
Sep 14
Sep 13
Marvin Heemeyer
Sep 12
Karatsuba algorithm
Sep 11
Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm
Sep 10
Cross-site scripting
Sep 9
Happy Hacking Keyboard
Sep 8
Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism
Sep 7
Sep 6
Interplanetary Internet
Sep 5
Sep 4
The Memory Police
Sep 3
Disjoint-set data structure
Sep 2
Systems engineering
Sep 1
Aug 31
Speculative fiction
Aug 30
Lace card
Aug 29
40 Eridani
Aug 28
Weird fiction
Aug 27
Dark forest hypothesis
Aug 26
Pointing and calling
Aug 25
The Maybe Man
Aug 24
Sean Astin
Aug 23
Planet of the Apes
Aug 22
Shamir's secret sharing
Aug 21
Application binary interface
Aug 20
Key encapsulation mechanism
Aug 19
Aug 18
List of Internet top-level domains