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John Warnock Hinckley Jr. (born May 29, 1955) is an American singer-songwriter and former convict who attempted to assassinate U.S. President Ronald Reagan as he left the Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C., on March 30, 1981, two months after Reagan's first inauguration. Using a revolver, Hinckley wounded Reagan, police officer Thomas Delahanty, Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy and White House Press Secretary, James Brady. Brady was left disabled and died 33 years later from his injuries. Hinckley was reportedly seeking fame to impress actress Jodie Foster, with whom he had a fixation after watching her in Martin Scorsese's 1976 film Taxi Driver. He was found not guilty by reason of insanity and remained under institutional psychiatric care for over three decades. Public outcry over the verdict led state legislatures and Congress to narrow their respective insanity defenses. In 2016, a federal judge ruled that Hinckley could be released from psychiatric care as he was no longer considered a threat to himself or others, albeit with many conditions. After 2020, a ruling was issued that Hinckley may showcase his artwork, writings, and music publicly under his own name, rather than anonymously as he had in the past. Since then, he has maintained a YouTube channel for his music. His restrictions were unconditionally lifted in June 2022.
Sep 16
97 (number)
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Binomial distribution
Sep 14
Sep 13
Marvin Heemeyer
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Karatsuba algorithm
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Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm
Sep 10
Cross-site scripting
Sep 9
Happy Hacking Keyboard
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Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism
Sep 7
Sep 6
Interplanetary Internet
Sep 5
Sep 4
The Memory Police
Sep 3
Disjoint-set data structure
Sep 2
Systems engineering
Sep 1
Aug 31
Speculative fiction
Aug 30
Lace card
Aug 29
40 Eridani
Aug 28
Weird fiction
Aug 27
Dark forest hypothesis
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Pointing and calling
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The Maybe Man
Aug 24
Sean Astin
Aug 23
Planet of the Apes
Aug 22
Shamir's secret sharing
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Application binary interface
Aug 20
Key encapsulation mechanism
Aug 19
Aug 18
List of Internet top-level domains