Wikipedia Article of the Day
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In shape analysis, skeleton (or topological skeleton) of a shape is a thin version of that shape that is equidistant to its boundaries. The skeleton usually emphasizes geometrical and topological properties of the shape, such as its connectivity, topology, length, direction, and width. Together with the distance of its points to the shape boundary, the skeleton can also serve as a representation of the shape (they contain all the information necessary to reconstruct the shape). Skeletons have several different mathematical definitions in the technical literature, and there are many different algorithms for computing them. Various different variants of skeleton can also be found, including straight skeletons, morphological skeletons, etc. In the technical literature, the concepts of skeleton and medial axis are used interchangeably by some authors, while some other authors regard them as related, but not the same. Similarly, the concepts of skeletonization and thinning are also regarded as identical by some, and not by others.Skeletons are widely used in computer vision, image analysis, pattern recognition and digital image processing for purposes such as optical character recognition, fingerprint recognition, visual inspection or compression. Within the life sciences skeletons found extensive use to characterize protein folding and plant morphology on various biological scales.
Jul 26
Fundamental theorem of algebra
Jul 25
Square root of 5
Jul 24
Rainbow Series
Jul 23
Jul 22
Museum fatigue
Jul 21
Common Criteria
Jul 20
List of sovereign states by homeless population
Jul 19
Jul 18
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
Jul 17
Bit error rate
Jul 16
Kullback–Leibler divergence
Jul 15
Mary Schmich
Jul 14
Regression testing
Jul 13
Wasserstein metric
Jul 12
Block cipher mode of operation
Jul 11
Jul 10
Birds Aren't Real
Jul 9
Jul 8
Rip current
Jul 7
Primitive recursive function
Jul 6
Sudan function
Jul 5
Meow Mix
Jul 4
Tulsi Gabbard
Jul 3
Jul 2
Northwest Ordinance
Jul 1
Jun 30
Taxonomic rank
Jun 29
Robbie (TV series)
Jun 28
Gödel's Loophole
Jun 27
Survival function